Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Week 5: Body Talk - Eisner and Thompson

Blankets by Craig Thompson
I read Blankets at 17 years old via my best friend, who loved the comic so much she not only recommended it to me, but showed up at my house with the book and insisted i have my own copy. At the time, Blankets was more interesting than most stories I was reading. Thompson and I come from slightly similar religious backgrounds, though the way our parents raised us was completely different. I wasn't forced into religion or guilted by it as Thompson is, which allows me to have a healthy relationship with religion. 
Thompsons art is technically masterful while still creating a unique visual style, which is always nice to see. The way he depicts emotions in Blankets can be visceral at times while leaving a lasting impression in his readers minds.
While I have some issues with the way Thompson depicts Raina, his first love, I think I can ultimately be a little too harsh in my feelings on this. I'm so used to seeing women idealized and deified - something Thompson cheekily draws out in Blankets - that as an adult, I'm a little quicker to write off that aspect of Blankets then I was when I was 17. Thompson ultimately treats Raina with more respect and adoration than most female characters are given by their creators.
What I loved so much about Blankets when I initially read it, and what has kept me returning to it time and time again, is that Thompson is so open about who he is and his experiences. You can't help but root for the guy, seeing how his life plays out, and hoping it goes well. It left me with such an affection for someone who doesn't even know I exist!

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